- Skills Learned
- Describe Azure tools such as Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI and Cloud Shell
- Study Guide
- Expand your knowledge - extra resources
Azure Portal
- Public web-based interface for management of Azure platform
- Designed for self-service
- Customizable
- Simple tasks
Azure PowerShell
- PowerShell and module
- Designed for automation
- Multi-platform with PowerShell Core
- Simple to use
- Connect-AzAccount – log into Azure
- Get-AzResourceGroup – list resource groups
- New-AzResourceGroup – create new resource group
- New-AzVm – create virtual machine
Azure CLI
- Command Line Interface for Azure
- Designed for automation
- Multi-platform (Python)
- Simple to use
- az login – log into Azure
- az group list – list resource groups
- az group create – create new resource group
- az vm create – create virtual machine
- Native OS terminal scripting
Azure Cloud Shell
- Cloud-based scripting environment
- Completely free
- Supports both Azure PowerShell and Azure CLI
- Dozen of additional tools
- Multiple client interfaces
- Azure Portal integration (
- Shell Portal (
- Visual Studio Code Extension
- Windows Terminal
- Azure Mobile App
- Microsoft Docs integration