Practice Test

Question 1

Azure Blueprints service is designed to provide a …

✔ That's correct
❌ That's not correct
👨‍🦱 💬 Blueprints service was designed to provide a centralized approach for the management of approved design pattern for your organization.

Question 2

Azure Blueprints Definition is a …

✔ That's correct
❌ That's not correct
👨‍🦱 💬 Blueprint definition describes a list of various Azure components and their configuration. Colloquially can be called a package/collection of Azure components.

Question 3

Which of the following Azure component types can be a part of Azure Blueprints Definition? Choose 4.

✔ That's correct
❌ That's not correct
👨‍🦱 💬 Blueprint definition consists of four Azure components. Those are Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates, role assignments, policy assignments, and Azure resource groups.

Question 4

Azure Blueprint Assignment is a singular instance of deployed Blueprint Definition. True or false?

✔ That's correct
❌ That's not correct
👨‍🦱 💬 This is true. Assignments are created when customers want to deploy their defined blueprints in their environments.

Question 5

A Blueprint definition can be assigned only once to an Azure subscription. True or false?

✔ That's correct
❌ That's not correct
👨‍🦱 💬 This is false. The idea of having blueprints is to be able to re-use them, as such, customers can deploy as many environments using blueprints as they want.
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Adam Marczak

Programmer, architect, trainer, blogger, evangelist are just a few of my titles. What I really am, is a passionate technology enthusiast. I take great pleasure in learning new technologies and finding ways in which this can aid people every day. My latest passion is running an Azure 4 Everyone YouTube channel, where I show that Azure really is for everyone!

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