- Skills Learned
- Describe the functionality and usage of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Study Guide
What is a Role?
Role (role definition) is a collection of actions that the assigned identity will be able to perform.
Role definition is an answer to a question “What can be done?”
What is a Security Principal?
Security Principal is an Azure object (identity) that can be assigned to a role (ex. users, groups or applications).
Security Principal assignment is an answer to a question “Who can do it?”
What is a Scope?
Scope is one or more Azure resources that the access applies to.
Scope assignment is an answer to a question “Where can it be done?”
What is a Role Assignment?
Role assignment is a combination of the role definition, security principal and scope.
Azure Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
- Authorization system built on Azure Resource Manager (ARM)
- Designed for fine-grained access management of Azure Resources
- Role assignment is combination of
- Role definition – list of permissions like create VM, delete SQL, assign permissions, etc.
- Security Principal – user, group, service principal and managed identity and
- Scope – resource, resource groups, subscription, management group
- Hierarchical
- Management Groups > Subscriptions > Resource Groups > Resources
- Built-in and Custom roles are supported