AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification is the first and the most important certification for anyone who is just starting with Azure. It’s very exciting for me to release this course to everyone!
I like to create content, draw and animate, explain complex terms in a simple manner but most of all I like to share with others.
Because of all of that, I decided to have my own take on Azure fundamentals course because it gives me possibility to try myself out as a trainer and explain cloud concepts to everyone.
What is Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification
Microsoft Azure Fundamentals covers beginner level information about a cloud, azure, its services, security and support topics. Because it is beginner level course it only covers core services in Azure, so a most commonly used services and features.
Official references to review certification path
The Plan
This course will include
- Dedicated course website marczak.io/az-900
- 4 core modules
- Total of 39 video episodes explaining each topic in great detail
- Video link to YouTube
- Skills learned section describing exactly what you will learn in the episode
- Study guide section containing
- Official Microsoft study resources
- Online materials supporting the topic
- Extra videos relevant to the topic
- Cheat sheets to review episode content
- Practice tests
- Extra References/resources to expan your knowledge futher
Interactive practice tests!
Every episode comes with a free interactive practice tests. So when you finish you are ready to test your knowledge. Test are all custom made by me, feel free to feedback me.
Where to start
You can start with my overview episode
Or by going to the my decidated website.
▶ https://marczak.io/az-900 ◀