Practice Test

Question 1

What is the name of the deployment model which allows for building applications by utilizing your own datacenter and cloud provider Infrastructure.

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👨‍🦱 💬 The definition of hybrid is a thing made by combining two different elements. Combining two clouds is a definition of the Hybrid Cloud.

Question 2

Which cloud deployment models allow to build applications with very strict security and compliance requirements?

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👨‍🦱 💬 With both hybrid cloud and private cloud you can leverage internally hosted private servers to meet pretty much any security requirement.

Question 3

Which cloud deployment model allows for greatest degree of flexibility?

✔ That's correct
❌ That's not correct
👨‍🦱 💬 With the hybrid cloud customers can choose to use the public cloud or private cloud depending on your scenarios. Allowing customers to implement pretty much any scenario.

Question 4

Which cloud deployment model allows for greatest degree of control?

✔ That's correct
❌ That's not correct
👨‍🦱 💬 With the private cloud customers have access to physical servers and networking infrastructure, as they can control every single aspect of the platform.

Question 5

Which cloud deployment model allows users to take advantage of high availability, agility and consumption based model without a need to manage any infrastructure?

✔ That's correct
❌ That's not correct
👨‍🦱 💬 Public cloud offers a multitude of benefits to their customers by simply purchasing their managed services. Those benefits include high availability, agility, and consumption-based model, and more.

Question 6

If you want to run legacy applications which require specialized infrastructure then which cloud deployment model(s) should you choose?

✔ That's correct
❌ That's not correct
👨‍🦱 💬 Some legacy applications might require sophisticated physical infrastructure/software/configuration that might not be available as a public cloud offers. This means customers will require their own infrastructure to run those which make the private cloud the best fit. But if a customer already has public cloud they can go into a Hybrid model.
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Adam Marczak

Programmer, architect, trainer, blogger, evangelist are just a few of my titles. What I really am, is a passionate technology enthusiast. I take great pleasure in learning new technologies and finding ways in which this can aid people every day. My latest passion is running an Azure 4 Everyone YouTube channel, where I show that Azure really is for everyone!

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